
Move to the cloud with confidence

Amiti Corp is a pioneer in cloud migration complexities. Let us handle the process of moving data, applications or other business elements to a cloud computing environment, so you can focus on moving your business forward. We apply our significant experience to help you with the strategy, timing and roadmap, making your journey quick and effortless and the transition to the cloud seamless. Migrating to cloud is important – but doing it fast and doing it right is the key. Amiti Corp’s Cloud Migration service is the answer for government or private organizations that want to migrate applications, systems and storage to a cloud environment for scalability, improved productivity and lowered capital and operating costs. This approach accelerates time to market, without compromising security and compliance. Cloud is essential to your business strategy. Avoid common hazards for successful cloud migration with Amiti Corp.

Plan Better

Ensure that the app is well suited for cloud, and the new design and cloud architecture are effective. Dynatrace provides essential insights about the current application – architecture, usage, resources, dependencies, and more - for accurate assessment and optimized design.

Move Faster

Problems during cloud migration impact service delivery and cause delays. Leverage automated root-cause analysis, prioritized on end user impact. Ensure a faster, smoother migration by resolving problems faster, and even stopping faulty code builds before they reach production.

Operate Simpler

Ensure that your new cloud-based environment meets expectations for service delivery. Seamlessly transition your operations before and after migration.

What can cloud do for you?

  • Obtain essential insights for better assessment and planning.
  • Minimize disruption during cloud migration and prevent delays.
  • Simplify cloud operations.